Since July 2021, BRICS Youth Energy Agency will execute for a year the mandate of the Regional Focal Point for Europe – part of the SDG7 Youth Constituency structure. The selection process concluded by the SDG7 Youth Constituency enabled BRICS YEA to act in this capacity until July 2022. On behalf of BRICS YEA, Mr. Vadim Kuznetsov, Director for Sustainability and Climate, is in charge of the portfolio.

Along with other nine Regional Focal Points, BRICS YEA will be responsible for coordinating regional outreach and participating in coordination of global activities of the Constituency. SDG7 Youth Constituency is the energy working group of the Major Group for Children and Youth, mandated by the UN General Assembly resolution A/RES/67/290 to facilitate youth engagement in monitoring, review and follow-up on the Agenda 2030, as well as in key international mechanisms on energy issues.