Introducing #Outlook2020 Developers: University of Brasilia (Brazil)
Just like a year ago, we are pleased to introduce [...]
Just like a year ago, we are pleased to introduce [...]
BRICS Youth Energy Agency and the Academic League of Petroleum [...]
The University of Sao Paulo, one of the largest and most prestigious universities in Brazil, dates back to the 19th century. The School of Law (one of the departments of the University of São Paulo) was founded in 1827. Since 1934, it has been incorporated into the structure of the newly established University of São Paulo (USP), which today occupies the position of one of the most prestigious universities in LatinAmerica and in the whole world. The postgraduate program of the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo comprises seven concentration areas: Civil Law, Commercial Law, Economics, Public Finance & Tax Law, State Law, International Law, Criminal Law, ProceduralLaw, Labour Law, Legal Philosophy & General Theory of Lawand Human Rights. Each of them offers both a Ph.D. and a Master degree programs. Its large number of candidates places itamong the major post-graduate programs in Latin America’smost renowned university. Since 2013 the Department of International Law at the Faculty of Law supports studies on BRICS, promoting conferences, suchas the 2013 international seminar “BRICS: energy, bilateralcooperation and multilateral action”, of which have participated Professor Paulo Borba Casella (University of São Paulo); Professor Boris Martynov (Institute of Latin America Studiesthe Russian Academy of Sciences); and Professor Tatiana Alexeeva (Law School of the St. Petersburg National University). The Law School encourages BRICS studies and since 2014 offers the discipline “BRICS ‒ Brazil, Russia, India, China andSouth Africa: a perspective”, under the coordination of Professor Paulo B. Casella, presenting the participants a comprehensive comparative and interdisciplinary overview ofthe BRICS, including governance in BRICS, global multipolarity and BRICS cooperation. Besides offering a yearly discipline on this topic, the Law School has recently nurtured the creation of a interdisciplinary study group devoted to this subject, the GEBRICS/USP, registered at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Developmentsince 2015, which agenda comprises both research and extension activities. [...]