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28 April 2023

BRICS YEA Participates in UNECE Resource Management Week at the UN Office in Geneva

On April 28, 2023, Vadim Kuznetsov, BRICS YEA’s Director for Sustainability and Climate Initiatives, took part in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Resource Management Week, which was held at the UN Office in Geneva.

Vadim participated in the first meeting of the UNECE Resource Management Young Member Group, inaugurated earlier this year.

As part of the meeting, he spoke at a panel discussion titled “Empowering the Next Generation of Sustainable Resource Managers: The Role of Youth in Resource Management” and focused on multilateral efforts necessary to ensure sustainable resource use. In his intervention, Vadim addressed the need to align current resource management policies, including those related to deep-sea mining, with major environmental framework documents, such as the UNGA Resolution to a Clean and Healthy Environment and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

He stressed the importance of shifting the energy transition focus from the end-user’s wellbeing in favour of a holistic all-value-chain approach that accounts for ESG-criteria implementation at all stages of critical raw material sourcing, industrial use, and disposal. At the meeting, the group also launched its first research initiative, a Guidebook on Critical Raw Materials for the Energy Transition, which was suggested as a new flagship international project by BRICS YEA at the UNECE Youth Dialogue in December 2022.

The Guidebook is scheduled to be presented at COP28 in Dubai, UAE.

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