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25 October 2023

For the first time a youth representative spoke at the UN APEF Ministerial Session

On 17-21 October 2023, on the sidelines of the Third Asia-Pacific Energy Forum (APEF) and the Asia-Pacific Energy Week in Bangkok, Thailand, BRICS Youth Energy Agency together with Youth for Energy Southeast Asia held the Regional Youth Forum on SDG 7. The event was held under auspices of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and with support of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

The Regional Youth Forum on SDG7 is the first ever youth gathering from ESCAP Member States on the matter of energy cooperation, in particular the United Nations SDG7, held at the international organization’s headquarters. The forum was attended by young professionals and students with energy background from 17 countries in the region.

The Forum delegates met with Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of ESCAP H.E. Ms. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation H.E. Mr. Sergei Mochalnikov, Director of the UNECE’s Sustainable Energy Division Mr. Dario Liguti and Director of ESCAP’s Energy Division Mr. Hongpeng Liu. The Forum was moderated by BRICS YEA’s Chairperson Mr. Alexander Kormishin and Director for Sustainability and Climate Initiatives Mr. Vadim Kuznetsov.

During a meeting with Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Sergei Mochalnikov, a Thailand delegate Ms. Jitsai Santaputra noted the role of Russian in the global nuclear industry and highlighted the fact that there are on-going discussions about the role of nuclear energy as a solution for strengthening the Thailand’s energy security but the society is struggling to understand opportunities that nuclear technologies offer. Technical tours to nuclear facilities in Russia might help, she said. The Deputy Minister supported the idea.

At the APEF’s Concluding Session on Adoption of the Ministerial Declaration, Сo-Founder of Youth for Energy Southeast Asia Ms. Amira Bilqis represented the youth and reported on the outcomes of the Youth Forum. She spoke about the recommendation of the youth delegates to establish the Asia-Pacific Youth Expert Committee on Energy as an ESCAP platform for dialogue and collaboration between commission experts and young professionals from the Asia-Pacific region.

The youth delegates’ consultation on the committee will be held in Laos PDR on the sidelines of the ASEAN Energy Business Forum in 2024.

For reference:

The Asia-Pacific Energy Forum was established as a ministerial-level platform for external engagement to enhance energy security and energy use in the Asia-Pacific (ESCAP resolution No. 67/2). The forum is held once every five years. The third forum in 2023 was attended by representatives of 37 ESCAP members, associate members, permanent observers from countries, representatives of some intergovernmental organizations and other organizations.

ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) is a political, economic and cultural regional intergovernmental organization of 10 countries operating in Southeast Asia. ASEAN was formed on August 8, 1967 in Bangkok with the signing of the “ASEAN Declaration”, more commonly known as the “Bangkok Declaration”.

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