VI BRICS Youth Energy Summit

September 27-28, Moscow, Russia

application form for a side event

The registration form is open till 25 August 2024, 0:00 UTC+0.

General information

Please note that Application Form has to be filled out in English. Please provide information on a Focal Point from the side event's organizing team.

Please indicate your phone number that is linked to WhatsApp

Tell us about your side event idea

Please indicate your preferred mode of holding your side-event: *
Would you consider holding your side event in online mode if it cannot be arranged in person? *

Please note that once your submission is considered, you will be allocated a time slot in within the indicated range. Please note that side-event cannot take longer than 60 minutes.

We understand that the participation and availability of key speakers such as ministers will not be confirmed for some time and is subject to change. Describe your contingency plans for speakers and/or program adjustments in such instances.  

Tell us about the hosts/co-organizers

Please note that only organizations can apply for holding a side-event. Individuals' applications will not be considered.

Media coverage

Where should we place information about the side-event?

Hosts & Sponsors

Country Host

General Host

General Sponsor