On April 12, 2018, a meeting between the representatives of the BRICS Youth Energy Association and the National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute“ was held. BRICS YEA was represented by Chairman of the Organizing committee Alexander Kormishin and Programme and Development Manager Dmitry Grudnev, MPEI was represented by Director of the Institute of Electric power Vladimir Tulinskyi, Head of external communication Sergei Shirinsky and Development Director Sergey Belousov.
During the meeting, the sides discussed possible areas of cooperation in organiing and holding the BRICS YEA Summit in Moscow. The Moscow Power Engineering Institute expressed its readiness to welcome delegates, as well as to provide experts for round-table discussions. Also, the program of the second day of the Summit, which will be held in MPEI, was estabslished. In particular, the technical thematic of the event was discussed, and the possibility of holding a tour around the MPEI for the participants was outlined. In addition, the represenatives of MPEI launched an initiative to organize “BRICS Summer School” along with BRICS YEA.