The brand-new and long-awaited Outlook 2022 goes beyond the BRICS space and expands its impact including all developing countries. The BRICS Plus Youth Energy Outlook 2022 comprises four thematic blocks which reflect current trends and recently emerged challenges in energy sphere: achieving SDGs, energy technologies and innovations, financing energy transition and building partnerships to scale up energy access in Africa.
Each of the four blocks includes more than 5 topics which provoke thorough research and forming a well-analyzed solution to each task.
The Annual BRICS Youth Energy Outlook is an international project delivered by the BRICS Youth Energy Agency and coordinated by its Analytical Center since 2018. The core mission of the Outlook is to present the youth perspective on global energy issues with it being developed by teams of young researchers, students and professionals aged 18 – 35. Another key goal of the present edition is reflecting the developing world as one.
If you wish to contribute to development of the 2022 Outlook as a research team or an induvidual researcher, please click here. Based on the applications, the Analytical Center will select most ambitious contributers and assign the topics to every research group. In case you have any questions, you may forward them to